Sunday, August 14, 2011

Alternate Beauty

I have been reading a book called Alternate Beauty.  The premis of the book is a young woman who is over weight working at plus size clothing store finds out that she may lose her job because she is "too" big.  After hearing this she goes home and before she falls asleep, she wishes that over weight people were considered beautiful. She wakes up the next day and realizes that she is in an alternate reality where the bigger you are the more beautiful you are and skinny people are considered ugly.  I don't want to ruin the book for anyone incase you want to read it, but what I have gotten out of it is that no matter your size, you are always going to have problems and issues to deal with.  It is how we deal with our problems that makes the difference.  However, we are more likely to be able to deal with problems that come our way more easily if we are already happy with ourselves.  Think about, if you are having a rotten day and something else bad happens aren't you more likely to blow up, "What else could go wrong today."  But if you are having a really good day and the same bad thing were to happen you would probably not be overly happy about it, but you probably wouldn't blow your stack. 
So think of it this way, if you are unhappy with yourself and constanly have negative thoughts going through your head, any time any little thing happens you are likely to  over react.  Not a very nice way to live is it?
     One important thing that I have learned is that without pain or disappointment we wouldn't realize how good great feels!  So the next time something bad happens just remember the next time something good happens it will seem even better.

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