Sunday, August 21, 2011

this weeks weigh in

This week is a good example of the title of my blog.  In the past two weeks I have been trying really hard, exercising, going to karate class and following the weight watchers plan and I have gained almost 5lbs.  After sitting down with my leader she is encouraging me to eat more and also eat the points for the exercise that I do.  As a person who has dieted, well for a long time my philosophy has always been less is better.  Isn't that always what you hear?  you have to decrease your caloric intake for it to make a difference right? and now I'm being told to eat MORE.  To be completely honest I am frustrated, the feeling of now matter what I do isn't right is becoming overwhelming.  BUT the other day someone asked me why I keep going to weight watchers and why I haven't quit yet.  The answer came to me without hesitation, "because I'm not willing to give up on myself.  I need this and anything that is worth having is worth working for."
So there you have it.  I'm not going to give up, I will persevere.  Yes I can!

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